Sleep Is Important: Here’s How to Sleep Better

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Last Updated on February 14, 2024

To be as healthy as possible, there are some things that everyone needs to do and do well. One thing is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and incorporate reishi mushroom for sleep. Another is to exercise regularly. Then there is sleep; sleeping for long enough, and well enough, is crucial to our health, and although it can be difficult sometimes, it is something that we must all take much more seriously. Rather than a lack of sleeping just making us feel a little tired, it can do a lot more damage than you might realize – it can cause stress, high blood pressure, lack of concentration, low productivity, depression, and much more.

To be as healthy as possible, there are some things that everyone needs to do and do well. One thing is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and incorporate reishi mushroom for sleep. Another is to exercise regularly. Then there is sleep; sleeping for long enough, and well enough, is crucial to our health, and although it can be difficult sometimes, it is something that we must all take much more seriously. Rather than a lack of sleeping just making us feel a little tired, it can do a lot more damage than you might realize – it can cause stress, high blood pressure, lack of concentration, low productivity, depression, and much more.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, either in terms of getting to sleep in the first place, or because you are waking up and still feeling tired, you might think there is nothing that can be done, but the truth is there is a lot you can do to help yourself. Read on to find out how to help yourself sleep better and become happier and healthier as a result.

Re-Set Your Circadian Rhythm

You may have heard of the circadian rhythm before, but you might not be entirely sure of what it does. To put it simply, this is the body’s timekeeping system, and it allows the brain to determine when it is time to sleep, and when it is time to wake up. Many people who have trouble sleeping could solve their issue by re-setting their circadian rhythm, which may have been disrupted in the past due to, for example:

  • Shift work
  • Using bright lights at home instead of dimmer ones in the evening
  • The blue light that is emitted from screens including phones, laptops, and even TVs

If the circadian rhythm has been disrupted, the body may have trouble knowing when it is day or night, and when the body should be sleeping and when it should be awake. To re-set the circadian rhythm, you can start by going outside in the daytime, perhaps for a walk. An additional one or two hours of daylight can assist in getting the circadian rhythm back on track. Plus, you should ideally stop using any type of screen an hour before bed.

Use Natural Oil

Natural oils can be beneficial when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, and since they are natural, they are easy to use and safe too. CBD oil might be good for stress which you can click here to find out more about.

This oil is extremely versatile and can be taken in a variety of different ways to suit you. You might choose to use them:

Try Not to Nap

You might think that catching up on your sleep in the day by having a short nap is a good idea if you didn’t sleep very well the night before. Unfortunately, as good as a nap might sound, it won’t help you, and can actually make it harder for you to sleep when night comes. Again, this is down to the circadian rhythm – if you sleep during the day, the body will be confused when night comes, and you won’t feel tired. Instead of taking a nap if you are flagging during the day, go outside instead. Take a walk, breathe in the fresh air, and get some exercise. You will feel better for it, and when it comes time for bed, you should sleep better too.

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