Hi there! I’m Kelly. Thanks so much for visiting my site, A Girl Worth Saving.
If you’ve ever wondered:
- “What the heck can I eat on the Paleo diet?”
- “Will I ever have desserts or bread again?”
- “How can I cut down time in the kitchen?”
Then you are in the right place!
My site focuses on Paleo, Keto and Gluten-free recipes. I also share about eco-living, beauty and mindset information.
Most of my readers also have allergies to eggs and nuts so I try to create recipes that are both Paleo and Vegan.
I also recreate the recipes that we miss on this diet: Cereal, Paleo Pop Tarts, and Paleo Cinnamon Rolls are just an example. A grain-free lifestyle doesn’t mean giving up those treats you loved growing up.
Get in your kitchen and try out my most popular paleo recipes. Also, don’t forget to learn more about my cookbook Paleo Eats.

In 2009, I realized that I was pre-diabetic and the thought of having to take insulin daily pushed me to find a way to heal myself.
I had also been a vegetarian for 9 years and dealt with some unhealthy side effects which I did not realize was due to my diet. I started following a grain-free, primal diet after discovering Mark’s Daily Apple and my health improved dramatically.
I lost 65 lbs effortlessly and healed the depression and anxiety I had been dealing with for several years. Also, Mr. Bejelly, who had been battling painful bouts of heartburn and indigestion daily, finally can go a day without pain. For the more in-depth story you can read more here.

In 2011, I became a stay-at-home mom to my son “The Little.” It’s been a blessing to be able to share my continuing health journey and the fun recipes I create in my kitchen.
I live in Portland, Oregon with my husband, my two sons and Thunder, the puggle.
I hope that you’ll follow along on my journey.