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Last Updated on August 25, 2022

The healthcare industry is fast-paced as more and more treatments and medicines are introduced to the general public. The diseases that were almost impossible to cure in the past can be managed with specific medications. Conversely, raw materials that stirred controversy in the past are now incorporated in different products and used for its health benefits – CBD oil is one.
CBD or cannabidiol oil is a product extracted from the buds, flowers, and stems of cannabis plants. Although this compound is essential in medical marijuana, using it on its own doesn’t create “high” or lead to addiction. Some people even consider CBD oil as a safer and better alternative to over-the-counter drugs as it doesn’t harm the organs even after long term use.
Listed below are some of the things you should know about CBD oil:
1. Non-psychoactive
One of the biggest misconceptions people have when it comes to CBD oil is that this product can alter their cognitive functions and eventually cause tolerance and addiction. A lot of people often think that marijuana and CBD oil are made from the same compounds and have the same effects on the human body. However, this isn’t true.
Unlike marijuana, Cheef Botanicals Hemp CBD oil has low levels of THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. This is the compound responsible for the psychoactive properties of marijuana. In its simplest sense, the high content of THC of marijuana is the reason why taking it can lead to addiction.
CBD oil, on the other hand, doesn’t work the same way because it has low levels of THC. CBD oil only has about 0.03% of THC while marijuana has at least 50%. This means that regardless of how often you use CBD oil, you won’t have to worry about being dependent or addicted to it.

2. Offers Several Health Benefits
Taking care of one’s health should be everyone’s priority. All of your efforts to land a high-paying job will be useless if you are sick all the time. How can you maximize your monthly income if you’re only going to spend it on hospital and medical bills? How can you look after your family if you have poor health? The quality of your health can significantly affect the quality of your life in the long run.
If you want to take care of your health in the easiest way possible, start using CBD oil as soon as possible. This product is now popular among individuals in different parts of the world because it’s known to provide the following health benefits:
- Treats acne: When used regularly, CBD oil can normalize the oil production of your skin so it doesn’t trap dirt and other pollutants that cause acne. Normal oil production in the body allows you to enjoy moisturized and clear skin.
- Alleviates anxiety and depression: CBD oil can boost the serotonin in your brain, making it very easy for you to ward off of stress. Serotonin is actually a neurotransmitter that works by regulating your mood, happiness, and social behavior.
- Reduces body pain: CBD oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can effectively soothe and relax your muscles. When applied topically, CBD oil can alleviate body pain and other symptoms associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Easy To Incorporate
Having a healthy diet and active lifestyle are two of the most common tricks to improve your health. If you make these a part of your routine, it’ll be easy for you to achieve your weight and fitness goals. But because not everyone has the time to eat well and remain active all the time, these techniques don’t always guarantee the best results.
If you’re one of them, fret not because CBD oil can help. Unlike other products that require you to follow certain instructions in order for it to work, CBD oil is versatile and can be incorporated into your lifestyle in a variety of ways, namely:
- Use as salad dressing: Salads are healthy meals that can make you full. For your next meal, swap your usual vinaigrette with CBD oil. This natural compound has strong flavors that can work well with any type of fruits and vegetables.
- Add it to your drinks: CBD oil can make any of your drinks taste better. You can basically add this product to your juice, coffee, tea or smoothie, and enjoy a refreshing and healthy drink.
- Marinate your meat with it: The strong flavors of CBD oil make it a great option as a marinade. Combined with your favorite herbs and spices, CBD oil can make any of your meat more flavorful and exciting!
Talk To Your Doc
How CBD oil interacts with the body can become your ticket to finally improve or maintain your health and wellness. Coupled with a healthy diet and active lifestyle, CBD oil will make it very easy for you to take care of your mental and physical health.
However, before you incorporate CBD oil to your lifestyle, it’s best if you talk to your doctor about it first. CBD oil might provide countless health benefits but using a product that is not suitable for your current health condition can also increase your risk of severe side effects. Let your doctor know about your intent in using CBD oil and make sure to ask for the appropriate product and dosage.