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Last Updated on August 8, 2021

Leading a healthy lifestyle is important for a number of reasons. Unfortunately, it can often feel like factors outside of your control are getting in the way of your health-driven decisions. Your kitchen doesn’t have to be one of those barriers. Here are a few ways to make sure your kitchen contributes to your healthy life decisions.
Organize Your Pantry
Organizing your pantry to keep healthier items front and center is going to be a great way to make sure your kitchen contributes to your healthy lifestyle. The easier you can make it for yourself to choose healthy snacks and access healthy ingredients, the more likely you are to stick to your guns when it comes to living a healthy life. Unfortunately, unlimited space isn’t a luxury all of us have. If you’ve been thinking about a minor kitchen remodel because the ROI is so good (up to 82.7%!), there’s no time like the present. If you make it your primary goal to add more storage space to your kitchen, you should have all the space in the world to organize your pantry in a way that prioritizes healthy eating habits.
Make Your Kitchen a Place You Like to Spend Time
Part of living a healthy lifestyle is enjoying the journey. If your kitchen is a place where you don’t like spending time, then it’s going to be difficult for you to maintain healthy choices while you’re in there. Instead of dreading your time in the kitchen, focus your attention on turning it into a space where you want to spend time. What do you hate about your kitchen? Is it the color of the cabinets? Your leaky faucet or dirty stovetop? Change it! If you can name one thing that makes you uncomfortable in your kitchen, then you have a starting point for change. Sometimes all it takes is some new cookware to get you excited about cooking healthy dishes in your kitchen.
Invest in a Water Filter
Did you know that only 1% of the Earth’s water supply is suitable for drinking? And even then, the water that comes in through your tap may have hard mineral deposits in it as a result of your location or water filtration issues elsewhere. If you want your kitchen to play an active part in keeping you healthy, then a water filter is a great place to start. It’s a small investment, too. For a water filter you attach to your tap, you might be looking at anywhere from $30 to $50. A water softening system is a bit more on the pricey end, but if you have the means to invest in such a tool, then go for it! The key here is investing in a tool that can help you ensure that the water you’re drinking isn’t going to harm you.
Set Up a Hand Washing Station
As helpful as the bottle of dish soap might be for washing the odd dish in the sink, it’s not going to help you wash your hands. It’s not going to make you want to wash your hands, either. If you want to sustain a healthy lifestyle, washing your hands before and after handling your food is key. To make that a little bit easier, set up a small hand washing station at your kitchen sink. Key items to include are a bottle of handsoap, some hand lotion, and a hand towel explicitly for drying your hands. Your hands can spread almost 1,000 times more germs when they’re damp than when they’re dry, so that towel is crucial. And make it cute! Whatever aesthetic you have in your kitchen, craft your hand washing station to match. That way you’re preventing the spread of disease and looking great while you do it.
When you want to live a healthy lifestyle, your kitchen should be your ally, not your enemy. Completing these projects can help you make sure that you feel at home and healthy in your own kitchen.