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Last Updated on April 21, 2022

What is there to do once those classic weekend staples start to feel a little stale? There is the option to try some completely different recipes but finding new dishes to make might be more of a task than you are looking for in your evenings. Time is precious after all. Before putting aside the time to thumb through a new cook book, the adventitious among us might just want to keep cooking as they were but switch up their condiment game instead of making a whole new meal.
Also feel like you don’t have the time to think about what condiments might be the new it-factor at your dinner table? If you try all of these, there’s sure to be a new favorite flavor in your culinary life.
Hoisin Sauce
If you are someone curious to try as much asain cuisine as possible, you might have had a dish with hoisin already in it and not realized it. It’s known for its perfect combination of sweet, just enough spice and that perfect tanginess. It’s typically used as a glaze for meats but you also might want to try it in a stir fry or with Vietnamese soups.
This might not sound all that exciting but not everyone realizes the mustard rabbit hole goes way better than what they are putting on their hotdogs. That is a fine way to experience mustard but there’s an entire world beyond that. It goes way beyond the backyard barbeque when you start looking at all the versatility that comes with both mustard oil and seeds respectively.
Pepper Jelly
Before moving on from those plain old chicken or beef nights of the week, you might want to buy pepper jelly online to see how quickly they can be reinvented with a simple glazing of the good stuff. If adventure to you means the quest for a little heat, adding pepper jelly to your evening staples is the perfect way to dip your toes into a spicy envisioning of what’s previously made you a little bored.
If you’ve not tried it, it seems like at least everyone has heard of it by now. Some might be writing this off as simply a spicy ketchup but that’s not quite fair to only see it like that. Like ketchup, it can seemingly go well on just about anything. So no matter what being an adventurous eater means to you, sriracha might make any dish or snack feel brand new.
Maple Syrup
Sometimes what makes something adventurous is how you use it, not how it’s typically used. Syrup is obviously one of the most go-to options for our favorite breakfast meals but don’t forget how delicious chicken and waffles can be. That is only a half step away from breakfast but that meal brings a perfect mix of saltiness and sweetness colliding together.
With that idea in mind, what other saltier classics might also feel brand new with a little mix of all the flavors that come in syrup. Mileage might vary here, but what’s it going to hurt to take a drop of what’s already in your cupboard and see if it’s that little something you need on a dish that was feeling a little boring?