6 Diabetes-friendly Smoothies for Summer

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Last Updated on December 17, 2023

The summer months are here. Certainly, you would want to kick back, relax and enjoy a refreshing mug of smoothie. However, you are afraid the options available might end up spiking your blood sugar level. Not quite; some smoothies made from fruit with low glycemic index are perfect for you. 

The summer months are here. Certainly, you would want to kick back, relax and enjoy a refreshing mug of smoothie. However, you are afraid the options available might end up spiking your blood sugar level. Not quite; some smoothies made from fruit with low glycemic index are perfect for you. 

A study in the Current Developments in Nutrition journal concluded that diabetic smoothies help type 2 diabetes patients achieve improved glycemic control. 

This post highlights six smoothie choices for the next few months and step-by-step guides on how to make them.

  1. Cucumber Watermelon Smoothie

This refreshing smoothie should be your drink of the summer. In these hot months, there is no better way to relax than with a chilled cup of this under a shade. Additionally, you’ll do all this without causing a spike in your blood sugar level. 

Requiring only four essential ingredients, this smoothie is super easy to make. 

  • Mini cucumber (½ cup)
  • Watermelon (preferably a frozen one, 1-cup)
  • Lemon juice (½ cup)
  • Water (¾ cup)
  • Mint (for garnishing, completely optional)

Transfer all the ingredients into the blender and blend until you have a smooth texture. Although it might look like a slushie, that’s part of the fun. Garnish with a small amount of mint if you are so inclined. 

This is the perfect smoothie to kick off the summer. Your diabetes management is fully compatible with the drink. It contains a mere 63 calories per serving. Also, it is super hydrating and an excellent source of vitamin C.

  1. Pina Colada Smoothie

The Pina Colada smoothie is a nutrient-filled, low-calorie, and refreshing drink. It is also a non-alcoholic preparation, so you get all the summer vibes of Pina Colada without the alcohol. It is a healthy way to relax in these hot summer months. 

To prepare this diet smoothie, you’ll need:

  • 1 cup of fresh pineapple 
  • 1 cup of  light plain yogurt
  • 1 tsp. non-alcoholic coconut extract or coconut flavor
  • 1 cup crushed ice

Proceed to cut the pineapples into small chunks. Fresh pineapple is preferred because it has lower sugar content and zero preservatives. 

Put all the ingredients in a blender, then blend at high speed until you have a smooth mixture. You can serve your smoothie with a slice of pineapple or a cocktail umbrella for the full summer experience. 

  1. Spinach Smoothie 

A Spinach Smoothie is a great way to kick off your summer morning. This ultra-creamy drink is low-carb and gluten-free. It will not disrupt your blood sugar control. 

Each cup provides calcium, fiber, phytochemicals, and vitamins A, C, and K. It also packs loads of healthy fats, which research has shown are great for your type 2 diabetes management. 

To make this, you’ll need the following:

  • 2 chunks of frozen spinach 
  • ½ avocado
  • ⅔ cup of non-flavored Greek yogurt 
  • 1 fresh or frozen chopped mango
  • 1 banana
  • 500ml milk (low-fat milk is preferred)
  • Ice

Blend all the ingredients except the ice. Add the ice and pulse until you have a mixture with a smooth and creamy consistency. Garnish with any topping you prefer; I prefer shredded coconut. 

The avocado and Greek yogurt give the smoothie an ultra-creamy texture. 

  1. Mango And Almond Smoothie
The summer months are here. Certainly, you would want to kick back, relax and enjoy a refreshing mug of smoothie. However, you are afraid the options available might end up spiking your blood sugar level. Not quite; some smoothies made from fruit with low glycemic index are perfect for you. 

This puree is perfect for an afternoon meal. It is protein and healthy, fat-rich. Frozen fruit also gives it a refreshing temperature that blends with the summer vibes. 

The fruits used in this smoothie are rich in fiber. In your management of type 2 diabetes, this is quite important. It fills you up and prevents hunger while keeping your blood sugar at the desired range.

To prepare this smoothie, you need:

  • ⅔ cup of chopped mango (frozen).
  • ⅔ cup of non-flavored Greek Yoghurt.
  • ½ cup of unsweetened almond milk. 
  • ½ cup of sliced banana (frozen).
  • 8 soaked almonds.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg.
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (optional)
  • 1/4 cup of chopped strawberries (for garnishing)

Add the frozen mango and banana to a blender. Add Greek yogurt, almond milk, almonds, and nutmeg. Blend until you have a smooth puree. Separate into two smoothie glasses and garnish with strawberries and the remaining almonds.

With this, you are ready for the summer. All without cheating on your diabetes meal plan.

  1. Oatmeal Breakfast Smoothie

A smoothie perfect for a summer morning. It is super filling. This prevents unnecessary snacking that might tempt you to eat snacks that could spike your blood sugar levels.

The healthy ingredients you need for this smoothie are:

  • ¼ cup of oats
  • 2 frozen bananas 
  • 3 cups of skim low-fat milk
  • 2 tablespoons of ground flax
  • 2 tablespoons of instant coffee

Transfer all the ingredients into a blender and blend until you achieve a smooth texture. Garnish each serving with some oats. 

This Oatmeal Smoothie is loaded with protein. A serving contains about 14.7 grams of protein. Also, it has about 4.7 grams of fiber, making it a simple but filling smoothie perfect for breakfast. 

Oats help stabilize your blood sugar levels, keeping them controlled throughout the day. Also, they are rich in minerals, fiber, and vitamins. 

  1. Low-Carb Green Smoothie

This smoothie is packed with fiber, protein, and healthy fats. However, it is not just healthy for you but also refreshing. You’ll need the following:

  • Avocado 
  • Spinach 
  • Unsweetened coconut milk or coconut water Sugar-free vanilla protein powder 
  • Peanut butter powder 
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice 
  • Ice

Blend all the ingredients except the ice vibes for about 30s. Add the ice and blend again until completely smooth. Pour in a mug and garnish with shredded coconut or flax seeds.

Spinach is good for you because of its antioxidants and vitamin contents. The avocado also gives the purée a smooth and ultra-creamy texture. 

Final Thoughts

From the slush-like cucumber watermelon smoothie to the avocado spiked low-carb green smoothie, the choices of a refreshing summer diabetic smoothie is endless. You have pretty great options to choose from. Smoothies that will not disrupt your blood sugar control. Check our Klinio app for more of these tailored diabetes meal plans.

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