Still Breaking Out? The Four Best Treatment for Stubborn Acne

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Last Updated on November 11, 2021

Finding the best acne treatment for you in a sea of available acne treatments may seem daunting, but with a little knowledge and a helpful guide such as this one, getting the best treatment for your skin is not at all impossible. 

Finding the best acne treatment for you in a sea of available acne treatments may seem daunting, but with a little knowledge and a helpful guide such as this one, getting the best treatment for your skin is not at all impossible. 

First, you should know how acne products work. The whole purpose of an acne product is to reduce oil production and swelling in the skin, or to treat a bacterial infection, or both. Either one of these functions is important for clearing acne out of the skin.

Common Acne-Fighting Ingredients

A good acne treatment will contain one or a combination of these ingredients. Depending on the severity of your acne, an over-the-counter medication may be enough to treat your acne without having to get something prescribed by a dermatologist. If you are looking for an over-the-counter acne medication, keep your eye out for these ingredients.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a common acne ingredient that packs multiple functions in one medicine. This medication will help decrease oil, remove dead skin cells, and kill the bacteria that causes acne. It is available in multiple strengths, though you should always start with the lowest strength available to determine if it will cause side effects on your skin. People with sensitive skin may not be able to use benzoyl peroxide.

Alpha-Hydroxy Acids

Alpha-hydroxy acids are synthetic acids that can help reduce excess oil, remove dead skin cells, and promote the growth of new skin cells. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are two types of alpha-hydroxy acids that are commonly found in acne medications.

Salicylic Acid

This acid is another that has possible side effects, and people with sensitive skin should be wary of using this too often or too much to prevent dryness and redness of the skin. This medication works by clearing the pores, helping to prevent the bacteria that cause acne in the first place. 

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid exfoliates dead skin cells and opens clog pores caused by them. It is one of the ingredients used for skincare products that helps to fight acne. However, you can find lactic acid not only in chemical products but also in natural-based products. One of the popular natural ingredients is goat milk. By using pure goat milk soap or lotion you can cleanse dead cells and refresh your skin. Lactic acid will smooth your acne and make sure that it doesn’t appear again.


While sulfur may immediately make you wrinkle your nose in anticipation of the smell, it is actually very good for acne. It can clear pores, remove dead skin cells, and remove excess oil. So while sulfur may not have the most pleasant smell, it can be very helpful to clear acne from your skin, especially when combined with one of these other ingredients.

Picking the Right Acne Product for You

Which product is going to work well for you depends on many different factors. The first thing to look at is the severity of your acne problems. If your case of acne is very severe, it may be best to talk to a dermatologist before moving forward with acne products. A dermatologist may even be able to prescribe acne products that are stronger than products that are over-the-counter. 

Your skin type, your skincare routine, and also just your daily habits can make a difference in what type of acne products you choose. For example, if you have sensitive or dry skin, taking care to choose acne products that are specifically formulated for those types is important to make sure your skin doesn’t get too dried out. If you are looking to buy acne cream online, look for oil-free or paraben-free products.

Start With Lower Strength Products (And Experiment!)

It is impossible to know immediately what acne product is going to be best for you. Unless you are working with a dermatologist, it is important for you to start with a lower strength of acne medication to keep from damaging your skin while you are trying to heal your acne. You must also practice some patience, and be willing to experiment. Don’t get one product that does not work for you, and think that no products will work for you. Different products will work well for different people, and it may take some time to find the right fit for you.

Look at Your Habits

Your everyday life habits may also contribute to how bad your acne is or how easy it is to help it go away. For instance, certain foods may cause your skin to produce more oil, and even substances in your water can contribute to irritating your skin. Also, if you wear makeup, cleaning your face regularly and making sure not to sleep in makeup can be very important for healing acne.

Stubborn acne can really start to take its toll on your self-esteem, making it harder for you to want to face the world. While having acne breakouts is neither a character flaw, nor should it undermine your worth as a person, it’s still understandable to want to have clear skin. However, by following these tips, and introducing these four ingredients, you can finally have the complexion you’ve always dreamed of!

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