The Top Beauty Benefits of Vitamin K

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Last Updated on August 25, 2022

No matter how hard we try to eat a healthy diet, sometimes it isn’t possible and we end up binging on junk food rather than fresh fruit and vegetables. Many women take vitamin supplements to aid their overall health and plug the gaps in a patchy diet. This is sensible, but if you’re trying to decide which vitamins to add to your diet, read on to discover why vitamin K offers some excellent beauty benefits. 

No matter how hard we try to eat a healthy diet, sometimes it isn’t possible and we end up binging on junk food rather than fresh fruit and vegetables. Many women take vitamin supplements to aid their overall health and plug the gaps in a patchy diet. This is sensible, but if you’re trying to decide which vitamins to add to your diet, read on to discover why vitamin K offers some excellent beauty benefits. 

Vitamin K isn’t always the top of our list. We’re more likely to grab some vitamin C or D when we buy supplements. But Vitamin K is just as important, and it can help in many ways.

The Top Sources of Vitamin K

Anyone who loves kale and spinach probably consumes quite a lot of vitamin K. Unfortunately, not everyone likes kale smoothies and spinach doesn’t last long once you bring it home. Some cereal grains also contain vitamin K, as well as butter, egg yolks, and fermented foods. Other foods that contain vitamin K include cucumbers, olive and soybean oil, and canola. 

Vitamin K is Good for the Skin

One of the main reasons why we need vitamin K is that it helps with blood clotting. It can also prevent heart disease by reducing calcium deposits in the arteries. In addition to these essential tasks, vitamin K is good for the skin.

Is your skin red and inflamed? Do you suffer from eczema and psoriasis? If so, a vitamin K supplement will be most beneficial. Taking vitamin K can help to reduce inflammation and redness on the skin, which is useful for eczema suffers. 

Vitamin K can also help treat dry skin areas, which are often prone to becoming sore and inflamed. It can hydrate because it restores the skin’s natural barrier function and affords us extra protection.  

A Natural Antioxidant

Vitamin K is a natural antioxidant. We need antioxidants in our life, as they protect us from harmful free radicals. Pesky free radicals come from pollution and smoke. They can cause a lot of damage to our skin, a process called oxidative stress, which accelerates the signs of aging. Taking a vitamin K supplement or using products containing vitamin K, such as a good cruelty free cream, will counteract sun damage and prevent fine lines from appearing too soon.

A Fresh Complexion

If your skin is looking dull and tired, vitamin K can help to restore your appearance by boosting cell renewal and cell growth. 

Fighting Dark Circles

Dark circles under the eyes are typically a sign you’ve had a really bad night’s sleep. Not surprisingly, it’s not a good look. Vitamin K can help to reduce dark circles by reducing the tell-tale discoloration caused by burst blood vessels beneath thin, fragile skin. This is down to the anticoagulant properties of vitamin K, which also helps to reduce bruising on other parts of the body. 

Anti-Aging Properties

As women approach mid-life, age begins to catch up with them, unless they have access to an excellent cosmetic surgeon!

Fine lines and wrinkles are usually the first signs of aging, followed by age spots, sagging, and a loss of volume in the face. Vitamin K has been proven to help minimize the signs of aging. Skin is better able to retain its elasticity because vitamin K boosts collagen and elastin production. 

Japanese women eat a lot of seaweed, which contains high levels of vitamin K. Their skin ages much better than many women in the west. 

Finally, boosting your intake of vitamin K will also help speed up the healing process, which is useful if you are prone to minor injuries.

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