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Last Updated on June 21, 2021

You have just started out on your journey to becoming a healthier person and things are going well but you’re looking for ways to complement the healthy eating plan that you’re following. Sound familiar? If yes, the following are some ways to complement what you’re doing so you get the maximum benefit from your efforts.
Financial Health
One of the areas often neglected when we are looking at health and holistic approaches is financial health, despite it being one of the biggest and most triggering aspects of our mental health. We are all taught from an early age that it’s rude to talk about money, mostly as a way to make those who aren’t being paid a sufficient wage for their contribution to society feel bad about that lack of money and too embarrassed to ask for more.
This causes stress that builds up over time because of the lack of a safe and simple way to discuss this key issue in greater detail. One thing that you can use at some point in the future, especially if you are struggling, is the option to sell your life insurance policy. Take some time to check out guides on how life insurance payouts work because that may be the key to freeing up some cash with a short turnaround.
Fitness Routine
If you are eating healthily because of a return to fitness or just because you wanted to eat better for yourself, making the most of what you are putting into your body to expel some of the things you don’t want is beneficial. It also means you can cater what you eat to your exercise as well. One nutrition method is to use your hand as a rough estimate for how much should be in your portion: palm for protein, fist for vegetables, cupped hand for carbohydrates and your thumb for fats. But this wouldn’t work if you are planning on doing something like long-distance running, where you would need to double the amount of carbohydrates you eat. Cater your healthy eating to complement what you are doing so that you can get the most out of the fuel for your body.
Meditation and Mindfulness
Yes, you have read it everywhere online while you were undoubtedly doing the research for how to maintain a healthier eating plan, but one of the things you can do to make your whole life better is to address your mental health. Making sure you are having time to de-stress at the end of the day, using apps for guided meditation and relaxation, and even doing yoga are great ways to get your mind in-tune with the goals that you have for your body.
Making sure you are drinking enough water should definitely be high on your list. How much should you drink depends on the exercise routine you’re following. Experts say we should be drinking at least 3 liters of water per day so that should always be your minimum goal. If you’re like most of us who are terrible at remembering to pick up the bottle, why not set a reminder in your phone for different intervals throughout the day?