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Last Updated on August 24, 2022

If you are like most people, you probably don’t bother to take good care of your ears except cleaning them with cotton swabs. In fact, if you want to have healthy ears, taking care of them must become part of your lifestyle. On the other hand, the consequences of ignoring your ears are devastating. For a start, you will have difficulty in engaging in a conversation with other people due to dwindling hearing ability. In addition to that, you can’t guarantee your safety while behind the wheel because you will not hear other motorists when they honk their horns at you. Moreover, you might eventually lose your agility, meaning you will no longer be able to walk steadily. What makes it worse is that once your hearing ability is damaged, it can never be restored. Here is a list of tips that can help you keep your ears healthy and enjoy life without hearing limitations.
1. Go for Regular Checkups
The problem with most people is that they wait until they have a problem in their ears to visit an audiologist (a doctor that specializes in diagnosing and treatment of ear conditions). Due to their orientation, ears are actually a delicate lot. This is because the same way you do with your teeth or any other part of your body. The other concern is that problems that affect ears start gradually and blow out after the incubation period is over. Instead of waiting until you are not able to hear well, it’s important you schedule for regular visits to an audiologist clinic at least twice every year. That way, the specialist will be able to examine your ear canal and diagnose infections and other conditions at an early stage. The good thing is that it’s easy to prevent hearing loss when the underlying cause is treated early.
2. Invest in Earplugs
There are some unavoidable circumstances that forces you to expose your ears to noise pollution. People that work in saw mills and industrial production plants are always vulnerable to effects of noise pollution. Since you need your job, it’s important you try the various earplug options that are available in the market. The ear plugs are designed to fit in your canal so that they can block external noise. They are actually highly recommended for people that work in noisy places such as musicians, technicians and welders. They are also recommended for people that are not able to sleep at night due to noise distraction. Swimmers, especially those that like to go snorkeling are encouraged to wear these earplugs as they protect their ears from getting wet which in return reduces their risk of getting swimmers infection.
3. Keep the Volume Low
According to research carried out by scientists recently, the majority of young people are at high risk of losing their hearing ability. This is because they like pumping the volume up when listening to music. Of course the music sounds better when playing at high volume. The downside is that loud music can damage your eardrums. The risk is actually much higher among people that use earphones to listen to music. This is because the earphones go deep into the canal. You can protect your ears by switching to headphones as they are usually placed above ears. It’s also important you don’t increase volume beyond 60 percent. Even if you are playing the music from your car stereo, jut be kind enough to the ears by keeping the volume low.
4. Avoid Using Cotton Swabs
Most people use cotton swabs to remove excess wax and dirt in their ears. This is actually wrong as it puts you at risk of damaging the eardrums. In fact, the ear is a unique body part because it’s designed to clean itself using wax. Removing excess wax means that you are denying the ears an opportunity to function normally. The other thing is that you should always keep your ears dry after taking a shower or a swim. This is because the water in the ears creates a favorable environment for bacteria and other disease causing organism to thrive. You can dry your ears using a towel and then tilting your head on one side so that water that may be in the canal can come out.
5. Give your Ears a Break
According to health experts, your ears need time to recover after they have been exposed to high levels of noise. One night only calls for a break of at least three days. Even if you like going to the clubs, you should refrain for a few days so that your ears can heal from the strain of being exposed to noise. In case your job requires you to work in a noisy environment, just make sure you retire into a quiet place in the evening or during lunch break.