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Last Updated on July 21, 2022

2020 brought a lot of change and with stay-at-home orders in place, we are all slowly but surely learning to adapt to a life where self-isolation is part of our routine. There is a level of uncertainty tied to the current state of the world, no matter how well you handle change, which has led to heightened stress levels and overall anxiety. The good news is that you don’t have to accept this stress as your new normal.
COVID-19 has caused a definite uptick in anxiety stress and even depression. The outbreak has led to both economic insecurity and medical problems and a growing number of people are worried about the uncertainty of their future. This has led people to take out the time to care about their well-being and mental health and many are following natural and organic trends – like CBD.
Multiple studies have proven the benefits of CBD for mental health and well-being and it may help cope with the coronavirus panic. In these times, simple tasks like being able to go outdoors, interacting with the outside world, and building connections with other people are no longer possible, and it takes a toll on your mental health even if we don’t fully recognize it. CBD is an all-natural supplement and can offer stress relief in these trying times.
Most of us are confined to lockdown during this time, but this doesn’t mean our mental health has to suffer. For example, if you live in Arizona or other states where medical marijuana is legal, you can get your medical cannabis card online without leaving the comfort of your home.
The psychological effects of being in quarantine are vast and stress is the most common one out of all of them. Apart from heightened cortisol levels in the brain, many other responses might arise for you. Some other examples of psychological changes induced by COVID-19 include fear, paranoia, panic attacks, anxiety, existentialism, mental lethargy, depression, brain fog, and memory issues.
To have a better understanding of how CBD products may help alleviate anxiety, we should learn how our body copes with it. Apart from accelerated heartbeat and sweating, chronic stress and negative emotions may affect your brain when you suffer from anxiety. Studies have concluded that endocannabinoids might influence stress and emotion responses to help with a variety of anxiety-related disorders.
CBD alleviates any form of anxiety by activating the serotonin receptor and adjusting the brain’s stress response. It can influence the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor, a protein receptor involved in various neurological and biological processes including sleep, anxiety, pain perception, addiction, appetite, and nausea. A study has shown that the activation of this receptor with CBD can exhibit anti-panic properties.
According to Daily CBD Mag, there are many forms of anxiety such as panic disorder, general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. CBD consumption may help relieve these disorders if administered acutely. CBD or cannabidiol is known for its calming effects which are perfect for someone suffering from any one of these.
CBD may also regulate anxiety by engaging with the endocannabinoid system with the following mechanisms. Cannabidiol can regulate the HPA axis that controls the secretion of glucocorticoids which are the hormones responsible for moderating stress response. It can also quiet the stress signals by easing the neural activity in those areas in the brain.
Since anxiety can also be triggered by other health conditions such as inflammation and pain CBD has the potential for lessening the impact of inflammation on oxidative stress. This helps treat various types of pain including muscular pain, neuropathic pain, and inflammatory pain.
The benefits of CBD for people with high-stress levels are rooted in science. CBD can stimulate the growth of new neurons in the brain, which keeps it stimulated, connected, active, and is known as regeneration. Stress in consistently higher amounts can cause little damage to the brain which CBD can help to combat.
CBD has also been known to help reduce depression as it enhances both serotonergic and glutamate cortical signaling, which is found to be lacking in people suffering from depression. CBD has also been found to help reduce learned fear response in patients suffering from PTSD and phobias. Researchers found that CBD helps relieve fear by acutely decreasing feel expression disrupting memory re-consolidation and enhances fear extinction.
Insomnia is another major issue that can affect people in these times and CBD could help reduce the symptoms and severity of it. According to CBD Kyro, research indicates that the cannabinoid CBD may interact with specific receptors in the body, potentially affecting the sleep/wake cycle.
This is where cannabinol (CBD) products like those from Joy Organics come in to help alleviate physical stresses such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, migraines, inflammatory responses, shakiness, weakness, muscle tension, body ache, symptoms of the flight or fight response, inability to fall asleep, etc.
Not only does CBD benefit your headspace but there are also a bunch of benefits beyond lowering anxiety and stress levels. The body and mind are connected and a lot of times mental discomfort starts to manifest in physical ways.
This is where cannabinol (CBD) comes in to help alleviate physical stresses such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, migraines, inflammatory responses, shakiness, weakness, muscle tension, body ache, symptoms of the flight or fight response, inability to fall asleep, etc. These symptoms might seem unrelated to a pandemic, but it is quite common for mental discomfort to yield physical side effects like these.
It is important to manage stress healthily and productively since we don’t have control over the pandemic and the return to society as we know it might take a while. CBD is one of the safest supplements out there and you can reap its benefits without experiencing the high so often associated with THC or cannabis, as it’s not psychoactive.
Everyone has their response to stressful circumstances and there is no right or wrong way to react to them in life. With CBD as an option now you might have something to fall back on if everything else stops being effective. If you do consider putting it in your regime be sure to consult your doctor to check that it doesn’t interfere with any other medication you might be taking.
There is sufficient scientific evidence of CBD being able to influence our body and mind in many positive ways. It can help lift some of that mental discomfort we currently feel and paired with other healthy habits COVID-19 and isolation can start to feel more manageable than before. Make sure you prioritize your mental health and give CBD a chance to improve your quarantine life.