20 Paleo Ground Beef Recipes

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Last Updated on January 2, 2024

Here are 20 paleo ground beef recipes to help you get more creative in the kitchen – I mean a person can only eat so many hamburgers, chili and spaghetti recipes right?

 Paleo Ground beef recipes

If you’re looking to save money, then grass-fed ground beef is your friend. My husband refuses to eat less meat so this means I have to use the most cost-effective healthy options out there: pastured eggs and grass fed ground beef. Why grass-fed ground beef?

Grass Fed Meats are a great natural source of saturated fats

Grass fed meats contains omega-3 fatty acids which are important in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, Alzheimerís, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and depression.

On the other hand, studies have shown that grain fed meats does not have the same vitamins and minerals found in grass fed meats.

Saturated fat in grass fed meats may lower cholesterol levels due to the stearic acid that is contained therein.

While we normally produce cholesterol in our bodies, there are some individuals who inherently produce more than others.

The omega-3 fatty acids in grass fed meats help lower these levels, and grass fed meat contains less fat and calories than grain fed meats.

With the high amount of omega-3 which is found in grass fed meats, you have a healthy alternative to grain fed meats. Conversely, in grain fed meats the amount of omega-6 fatty acid is greater.

I make it a point to eat grass fed meat due to its health benefits and I highly recommend ButcherBox.

20 Paleo Ground Beef Recipes

Ground beef is a budget-friendly way to feed your family. It's time to jazz up dinner time with these tasty and unique ground beef recipes.

14 thoughts on “20 Paleo Ground Beef Recipes”

  1. My husband has been trying to eat a vegan diet, but I think I am going to have to make a few of these recipes for me and the kids. The Asian Ground Broccoli Slaw sounds amazing!!! I bet even my hubby will try it (he likes that old saying, “I’m a vegan except when I eat meat.”)


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