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Last Updated on December 7, 2023

Abdominal fat is a major health concern among overweight people. The accumulation of this fat is known to heighten the chances of developing heart-related health conditions as well as type 2 diabetes. There are ways to establish if your abdominal fat should be a cause of concern. You need to measure your waistline. In men, a waistline of 102 cm (40 inches) means that you have to start taking drastic measures to prevent further accumulation of belly fat. A Woman’s waistline of more than 88 cm (35 inches) is not good either. Waistline measures above these limits in both males and females are known as abdominal obesity. This calls for preventive and combative measures against this belly fat. Here are six tips for getting rid of stubborn belly fat:
1) Develop a Strict Healthy Meal Plan
Planning for your meals ahead is crucial if you deal with abdominal fats effectively. You also need to look for the best supplement for belly fat to make this process more effective. When you come up with a meal plan to follow, this makes the process of preparing food easy. Portioning your food also becomes increasingly effective. You will no longer have to worry about overdoing one kind of nutrient over the other.
Shopping for groceries and other cooking ingredients also becomes quite easy. You already know what you should get for maybe a week or so and the quantities needed for each item that you buy. Dealing with such a specialized diet also comes at a cost. With a strict meal plan, you can effectively budget for your food costs.
Although freshly cooked food is highly recommended, the meals to eat can be cooked in bulk and then refrigerated. This frees up your time to engage on other issues, either on a personal level or other activities that will help you lose your belly fat.
2) Cut Down On Sugary Drinks and Beverages
Sugary drinks tend to have extremely large amounts of fructose. This type of sugar accumulates around the belly area. This is a huge health risk. When you ingest large amounts of sugar, which comprises fructose and glucose, the large amounts of fructose that reach the liver overwhelm it. In turn, the fructose is converted into fats in the liver, and some of it finds its way into the belly area. Apart from belly fat accumulation, sugars also interfere with metabolic processes in the body. The body’s resistance to insulin is also heightened. To counter belly fat accumulation, one is advised to cut down or even do away with sugary drinks, especially those that contain artificial sweeteners. You need to check the ‘ingredients’ section in every consumable you buy to know what to ingest and what to avoid.
3) Increase Your Protein Intake
Protein is a micronutrient that is known to inhibit cravings. This means that you ingest fewer calories that will be converted into fats and deposited in the belly area. Proteins also boost metabolism, which helps you burn fats easily and quickly. Proteins from sources such as dairy products, fish, and eggs are highly recommended. Vegetarians are advised to take more legumes and nuts since these foods are rich in protein.
4) Lower Your Carbohydrates Consumption
Low carbohydrate consumption leads to low appetite. This means that you are ingesting fewer calories. Eating meals that are low in carbohydrates also means that you are reducing water weight. Refined carbohydrates are even worse. You will find them in candy and white bread. Reducing carbohydrate consumption puts the body into a ketosis state. Your body starts relying on fats for energy generation through metabolism. Part of the fats the body will burn are those around your belly and those surrounding organs, such as the liver.
5) Consider a Diet Rich in Fibers
There are good and bad fibers. The fibers you want in your diet are the viscous and soluble kinds. These types of fibers will bind with the water in your digestive tract. They will then form a gel-like substance that moves within the digestive tract a bit slower than normal. This creates an elongated feeling of fullness, reducing your appetite. The gel also slows down the rate at which food is assimilated into the circulatory system.
6) Come Up With a Workout Plan
Exercising regularly is highly recommended if you are to get rid of belly fat completely. Nonetheless, the exercise should be all-encompassing. Concentrating on exercises that only deal with belly fat will not suffice. You want a workout regime that will engage all the areas of your body. You will end up burning fats uniformly, which is the most effective way of getting rid of abdominal fats.