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Last Updated on April 12, 2021
We are now well into November and there is a distinct chill in the air. And you know what that means, right? We are also well into flu season! Over the next few months, the cases of people coming down with cases of colds and the flu will greatly increase. In fact, there is a good chance that someone in your family might suffer from a bout of illness this winter as well. Thankfully, though, it can be quite easy to prevent the spread of these kinds of viruses and to ensure that as many people in your household stay as fit and healthy as possible. Here are a few tips that can help you do just that.
Drink Enough Water
First of all, it is important to remember that you need to keep your fluids topped up at all times through the winter. Your body will need all that water to help strengthen the immune system and make sure it is able to stand up against any viruses and bacteria that come its way. It is especially important to drink plenty if you spend a lot of time in rooms buildings that are warmed by central heating as they can quickly become quite stuffy. One other great benefit of drinking plenty of water is that it can help to flush any toxins out of your body.
Eat Plenty Of Fruit And Veg
As well as drinking plenty of water, you also need to make sure that you are eating lots of fruit and vegetables. Ideally, you need to do this all year round, but it is essential through the winter months when you are more at risk from colds and flu. Generally speaking, we all need at least five portions of fruit and veggies each day. You can see just how important that is if you read here, as it mentions that all the vitamins from these food sources can help keep us fit and well, as well as fight against some of the symptoms of colds. Some of the best fruits to eat through the winter are citrus fruit as they have a very high level of vitamin C in them, which is needed in the fight against colds and the flu.
Sleep Plenty
You should also make sure that you are getting enough sleep as well. For most people, anywhere between seven and nine hours of sleep each night should do the trick. Sleep is important as it gives the body a chance to recharge its batteries. If you don’t get enough sleep, then your immune system is at risk of weakening, and this will put you at a bigger risk of catching colds and flu. If you have trouble falling asleep at night, it’s worth checking out one of the many online sleep guides for their tips and tricks.
Cut Down On Alcohol
It’s also a good idea to review how much alcohol you drink each week and think about cutting it down as much as possible. If you do drink a lot of alcohol, then it could very easily lead to a deficit in important vitamins and minerals. This will make your immune system struggle, and your body will find it a lot harder to fight off any potential colds and flus. Plus, all of that alcohol will only be adding further toxins to your body, which will make it increasingly difficult to flush out any toxins and fight infection.
Stay Active
Even though you may not feel like working out and exercising when it is cold and raining outside, it’s still a good idea to get out there and work up a sweat. That’s because exercise is a great way to give your immune system a boost. To feel the full range of benefits from exercise, you need to do at least thirty minutes about three to four times a week. Just make sure that you wrap up well against the weather!
Hands Off Your Face!
Did you know that lots of people carry the viruses that cause colds and the flu on our hands? It’s true, and this is why it spreads so easily from person to person. That also means that if you do have the viruses on your hands, you might easily give yourself it. So, you should try to keep your fingers and hands away from your face as much as possible to prevent the virus making its way into the body through the nostrils and mouth. As well as this, it is also crucial to wash your hands after going to the toilet every time. That can actually prevent the spread of a wide range of illnesses and health conditions.
Get Plenty Of Rest
You try to need your stress levels down to a minimum as much as you possibly can. This isn’t just important through winter, and is something that you should focus on throughout the whole year. That’s because very high stress levels can actually lead to some serious health conditions, such as high blood pressure. In the winter, though, all of that stress can make you a lot more susceptible to colds and the flu. The best way to beat stress is to get plenty of rest and relax as much as you can. If you find that you still struggle with your stress levels, despite plenty of relaxation, you should consider taking up a Yoga class or practicing some meditation.
Get The Flu Jab
If you are eligible for the flu jab, then you should see your doctor about getting it. There are lots of people who are able to get this very important jab for free, and it is at a very reasonable price for everyone else. So, even if you aren’t at risk of the flu, it’s still worth taking the jab as it will mean that there is no chance you unwittingly spread the virus to anyone else.
If you follow all of the tips above, you should be able to enjoy a winter free from colds and the flu!