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Last Updated on August 8, 2021

Spring is just around the corner, which means it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning. While most of us typically associate spring cleaning with household chores, it’s important to pay attention to your lifestyle, as well. Here are a few things you can do to get a jump start on spring cleaning for a healthier life.
Schedule a Teeth Cleaning
Regular dental appointments are incredibly important. Whether you like it or not, your oral health is closely tied to your overall physical well-being. An infection in your gums or teeth could contribute to heart health issues and other medical complications. That’s why it’s recommended to go in for regular dental checkups at least once every six months. Not sure whether you need to schedule an appointment? Here are some signs that it’s time for your next dental cleaning.
- You can’t remember the last time you were at the dentist.
- You’re seeing plaque buildup on your teeth.
- You’re experiencing gum or tooth sensitivity.
If any of the signs listed above apply to you, it’s time to see your dentist. Not only can a dental checkup help you resolve current oral health issues, but it can help you develop strategies to prevent similar oral health problems in the future. Plus, once your teeth are clean there’s no doubt that you’ll feel amazing. All in all, making a dentist appointment is one of the best things you can do to get started on your health-related spring cleaning.
Find a Physical Activity You Love
One of the best things you can do to spring clean your lifestyle is to get moving. If you can find a form of physical activity that brings you joy, then you should absolutely pursue it. Not sure what kind of movement you enjoy? That means you have a great opportunity to try all different kinds of physical activities to find one that suits you best. If you’ve always loved team sports, consider trying out for a local club team this spring. Baseball season is upon us, so joining a club team or a recreational league could be a great way to get moving and enjoy one of your favorite sports. Shaved bats typically don’t do well in temperatures under 65 degrees anyway, so spring is the perfect time to try your luck on the bases. If you’re more interested in at-home exercises, taking up something like yoga, pilates, or even an online dance class could be worth exploring. The point of this spring cleaning task is to discover the joy in movement and find something that truly works for you.
Make an Appointment with Your Doctor
After you’ve scheduled your dentist appointment, it’s time to call your primary care physician. Investing in medical checkups at least once annually is one of the best things you can do for yourself as you get older. Considering that almost 50% of older adults will battle at least two chronic conditions later in life, preventive care is essential. If you forego your regular medical checkups, you could risk not diagnosing a serious illness until it’s in the later stages. Detecting illness as early as possible is one of the most important parts of an annual checkup. In addition, you and your doctor can examine your family history and current lifestyle to assess what might need to change in order to prevent any ailments from harming you in the future.
If you’re ready to start spring cleaning your lifestyle, these three items need to be on your to-do list. Remember: spring cleaning is about more than just organizing the house!