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Last Updated on October 9, 2023
Image Source: Pexels
The holiday season is just around the corner – and, with it, plenty of opportunities to experiment with new recipes and ingredients. But while you are planning your next dinner party, be sure to keep your precious jewelry out of harm’s way!
In this guide, you’ll learn how to avoid having to clean your rings and necklaces daily. And, in case the cooking gets messy, you’ll find some tips to restore the beauty of your jewelry in time for the start of your next dinner party!
First Things First: How To Keep Your Jewelry Safe
Whether it is for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Hanukkah, the chances are that you are getting ready to throw the perfect winter dinner party. But when cooking or cleaning, it is not unlikely for your rings, bracelets, and necklaces to become dirty, tarnished, unhygienic, or covered in dust.
Luckily, it does not have to be this way! Let’s start by looking at how to keep your jewelry safe.
Invest in High-Quality Jewelry
The first step is to only buy high-quality jewelry that is designed to stand the test of time. Items made of silver, iron, diamond, platinum, and gold can easily become heritage pieces that can be passed down from one generation to another, and you won’t have to fear ruining your jewelry by wearing it every day.
Oppositely, mass-produced items created using low-quality alloys can degrade fast, cause allergic reactions, and, yes, turn your fingers green!
Buy Jewelry Customized to Your Lifestyle
Not all jewelry will fit your lifestyle equally, and choosing your rings and bracelets wisely can help you make your investment last longer.
For example, your office outfits can be enhanced by astonishingly beautiful Sapphire rings, but if you often use water and detergents during your day at work, you should opt for materials that won’t tarnish or become stained. If you are unsure about the best type of jewelry for your lifestyle needs, a trusted jeweler can help you choose.
Keep Your Most Precious Pieces Safe
Not all jewelry has the same emotional and economic value! For example, the ring your other half gave you on your first Valentine’s Day together will have a much greater personal value than a beautiful bracelet you have bought while on a shopping spree.
And, when it comes down to keeping your most treasured items safe, simply learning how to clean them won’t do the trick. Instead, follow these best practices:
- Remove your rings and bracelets when using chemicals, water, or soap
- Remove your jewelry when swimming
- Wear your silver items to prevent them from tarnishing
- Invest in regular professional inspections of your precious jewelry
Cleaning Your Precious Jewelry: a Quick-Start Guide
The tips above can help you keep your jewelry safe, but what if you need a quick solution to restore the beauty of your precious accessories before your guests come around?
Get started by washing your jewelry with warm water and natural soap – or try one of the strategies below!
Learn the Basics of Cleaning Different Metals and Stones
Each item of jewelry is unique, and each metal or gemstone has properties that make them special. That is why not all cleaning strategies will be as safe – or work as efficiently! – for all of your jewelry.
So, the first step is to learn more about the properties of each material and what works best to clean it.
For example, caring for pearls includes keeping them away from harmful substances that can be absorbed through their porous structure. In the case of silver, wearing them often or brushing them with a soft bristle brush can remove the tarnish and restore its shininess. When cleaning gold, remember that this is a soft metal that can be easily scratched or damaged by hard bristles.
Use an Old Toothbrush
An old soft bristle toothbrush that has been thoroughly cleaned is a great tool to remove dust and grime from your jewelry, especially in hard-to-reach nooks. For a complete cleanup, use the toothbrush to remove dirt, then rinse with water and wipe your rings or necklaces with a microfiber cloth.
Use Hot Water or Baking Soda
Using boiling water or a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in warm water can help you melt away the grime accumulated on your jewelry, thus making it easier to remove dirt with a toothbrush or cloth.
While this technique is an efficient one for silver, gold, and diamonds, don’t use it on pearls and gemstones to avoid ruining them!
Partner With Specialized Jewelers
Caring for and cleaning jewelry is a matter more complex than you think – and it is only normal to feel overwhelmed by the volume of information available out there! But when it comes down to looking after your most precious jewelry, there is no room for mistakes. That is why, if in doubt, you should not think twice about consulting an experienced jeweler!