Last Updated on October 22, 2021

For the last several years, there’s been a term on the forefront of everyone’s mind – Self Love. While learning self-care tips to live by is an essential and valuable skill, the importance of routines often gets overlooked. If you’re a parent, you definitely understand how important habits are when raising a child. Children thrive under routines. We know this; it’s in their best interest. So why, along the way, do we as adults lose that sense of importance when it comes to our own routines.
Sure, life gets hectic – we have college, then work deadlines. Life morphs into marriage, pregnancy, child rearing. It’s easy to lose sight of yourself, and what makes you happy and keeps your mental and emotional state is a great place. What if you started every day with the perfect morning routine curated just for you? Talk about setting the tone for the day. Many therapists tell their clients to make their bed every day. Why? Because it’s one thing that they can check off as having accomplished that day to make them feel good and productive. Well, let’s add a little more to your morning routine and see just what a difference it can make.
Waking Up Early
Have you ever heard of the 5:00 am wake-up club? Essentially, the theory is that waking up at five in the morning gives you time to get everything done before starting with your children or getting ready for work. Sure, the first few weeks (or if you’re lucky days) of rising a lot earlier than you may be used to are rough, but it’s nothing a little coffee or tea can’t cure. On top of that, getting things done and being productive in those initial morning hours does set a fantastic tone for the day.
Add Some Exercise
One easy way to maximize your morning routine is to get some endorphins going with some physical movement. If you’re into high-intensity workouts, you may already do these in the morning, but starting first thing not only helps get your blood flowing and wake you up, if you workout pre-breakfast while your body is still in a fasting state, you’ll burn a lot more calories and fat than if you were to do it in the afternoon or evening.
If high intensity or even cardio isn’t your thing, some mindfulness exercises like yoga, pilates, mediation, or simple breathwork can set a peaceful tone for the day. No matter what style of movement you decide on, either way, you’ll be set up for success, feel great, and have a “can-do” attitude to carry you through the rest of your day!
Superfood Superpowered Smoothies
Not everyone likes to eat in the morning, and some people just have no appetite when they wake up. Others may be intermittent fasters. Unless it’s part of a strict lifestyle like fasting, it’s a good idea to start your day with as nutritious of a punch as possible. Smoothies are a great way to get a ton of nutrients, essential vitamins, and antioxidants all at once. If you can’t see yourself committing to making yourself a delicious smoothie every day, make sure you supplement your healthy breakfast food choices with vitamins. Some other vitamins you might consider taking are hair skin and nails vitamins for women as they may help with hair growth and nail growth. Other additions to your healthy eating habits are essential Omegas – like fish or krill oil, magnesium, and calcium.
Have Time For A Hobby?
If you already have a hobby you enjoy, taking a quick ten to twenty minutes in the morning to relax and work on it can give you that same sense of accomplishment as the bed-making mentioned above, but since it’s your hobby, it will calm you as well. If you don’t already have a hobby, zoning out on a crossword puzzle or sudoku is a great place to start. Just avoid negative influences like social media and the news first thing in the morning. The important thing for your routine is to make it uplifting and positive.
You may be reading this list thinking of all the professional and private commitments you have that make doing this seem impossible. But, it’s not if you make a promise to yourself to try for at least a week or two. If you can stick with getting up earlier and starting your day with positive, healthy choices, you will see quickly how much it benefits you. Soon, your perfect morning routine will be second nature to you, and you’ll find yourself curating other routines throughout your day to help balance your life and mood. Here’s to your health!