Questions to ask your Orthopaedic Surgeon before Surgery

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Last Updated on December 5, 2021

At one time or another, we may need to undergo surgery to correct a health condition. Before such an event takes place, one will be quite anxious and at times scared of the surgery. However, with the correct guidance and information, undergoing surgery can be a reassuring time in our lives. If you want to learn about orthopaedic procedures, consider a consultation appointment with a suitable orthopaedic surgeon. When I need such services, I always consult an orthopaedic specialist surgeon near me to explain how the procedures will be done as well as give me the right information about the surgery and the recovery after.

At one time or another, we may need to undergo surgery to correct a health condition. Before such an event takes place, one will be quite anxious and at times scared of the surgery. However, with the correct guidance and information, undergoing surgery can be a reassuring time in our lives. If you want to learn about orthopaedic procedures, consider a consultation appointment with a suitable orthopaedic surgeon. When I need such services, I always consult an orthopaedic specialist surgeon near me to explain how the procedures will be done as well as give me the right information about the surgery and the recovery after.

So, if you are considering an appointment with your orthopaedic surgeon, there are some questions you need to ask them before you undergo any procedure. Here are such questions you can ask your surgeon:

Do you take my insurance?

Not all orthopadeic surgeons may be a fit for your needs. If they do not accept your insurance plan, then you may have to pay upfront in cash before they can perform the surgery. As such, be sure that your surgeon can accept the insurance plan you have at the moment. Remember that some orthopaedic procedures could be too costly for people without an insurance plan. It is better to know beforehand so you can work with a surgeon that is financially appropriate for you.

What experience will recovery be?

This is a very important question you need to ask your surgeon. Are there specific instructions you need to follow before the surgery? What about the recovery after the surgery? How easy will it be for you? Are there specific risks based on your age, gender, weight, or physical health? Are there specific foods you need to avoid during the period after surgery? These are pertinent questions you need to ask your orthopaedic surgeon for a reassuring experience.

Could I possibly undergo another surgery?

Orthopaedic surgery could have a lasting effect on your performance in the future. As such, you need to ask your surgeon if there are any effects the first surgery will have on your in say, ten years to come. This sometimes is the best way to help you heal in the long term. If you have a complex orthopedic condition, you may probably need further surgeries in the future. So, let your surgeon explain to you the possibilities of such an eventuality. These are things you want to know before you undergo the first surgery.

Will I be awake during surgery?

You may also want to know whether your surgery will be done under anesthesia or while you are awake. You also want to ask your surgeon if you will feel anything while under the knife. These are common questions for people who have never had surgery done on them. Well, with this question answered, you should be ready and feel positive about the surgery.

While the above are some of the common questions patients may want to ask their surgeons, it is always advisable that you ask questions even after the surgery. This can help you recuperate quickly and feel better.

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