What Is the Correlation Between Caring for a Pet and Mental Health?

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Last Updated on December 8, 2023

It's common knowledge that when you adopt a pet, they become a member of your family. This shows that pets typically have a major impact on our health, both mental health and physical health. If you're wondering what the exact correlation between caring for a pet and mental health is, have a look below to see some of the effects that a pet can have on your life.
Portrait of a teenage girl with her beautiful dog outdoors

It’s common knowledge that when you adopt a pet, they become a member of your family. This shows that pets typically have a major impact on our health, both mental health and physical health. If you’re wondering what the exact correlation between caring for a pet and mental health is, have a look below to see some of the effects that a pet can have on your life.

Pets Lower Anxiety and Stress

Spending time with a pet has been found to lower stress and anxiety. When you interact with a pet, you experience mutual affection and feel calm if you are anxious and stressed. This includes interacting with your pet during their grooming session. A national survey done online by PetSmart found that 67% of dog parents know that regular grooming is a major part of their dog’s overall health. This means that they likely have a grooming schedule that they follow. With one, you can benefit as much as your dog does while you’re cleaning them and taking care of them.

Pets Can Make it Easier for You to Keep Fit

Pets can also make it easier for you to stay more active. Physical activity is a natural mood booster and it also helps us stay in good shape. When you’re happy about the way you look, you’re bound to be more positive about other aspects of your life. A pet will help increase your activity levels when you take them to play, clean up after them, and more. One of the things that you need to do is something like carpet cleaning. When done professionally, about 98% of the dirt and pollutants in a carpet can be removed successfully. Since you may have to do some cleaning yourself between professional cleaning, you’ll stay active all through and enjoy being in a happier mood thanks to both the activity levels and the cleaner environment.

Pets Can Help Ease Loneliness

When you have a pet, you can play games with them, cuddle with them, watch movies with them, and do many other things alongside them. They provide companionship in these instances, ensuring that you’ll never feel like you’re alone. With one out of every five people living with a mental illness, according to the CDC, this is a large number of people. They can benefit their mental health immensely from getting a pet to spend time with. There are many pets to choose from, so if you’re allergic to one, you can opt for another one. As long as you love spending time with them, you’ll improve your mental health considerably.

Pets Improve Overall Life Satisfaction

Finally, pet owners have better life satisfaction in general. This is because of a few things, one of which is the fact that a pet can add structure to your life. Since you’ll need to take care of them and feed them, you may have to come up with a routine that helps keep them happy and healthy. This may automatically make you get into a routine for your own life’s activities. As a result, you’ll feel more in control of all that happens and you can improve in other aspects of your life. If you can get more things done in a day, you may find yourself looking forward to the next day and so on.

Clearly, having a pet can give you more reasons to smile. You’ll never feel lonely and you can enjoy your life a lot more over time. That said, take time to find a pet that you feel you can love and share your life with them.

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