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Last Updated on September 14, 2023

The human body, although we all have one, can nevertheless be strangely foreign and puzzling on occasion. Sometimes it can feel as though we are still strangers to our own selves, only to discover a new quirk and wonder how long our body’s been able to do that. Today we explore the curious traits shared by so many women — many of which you may not have even known was possible!
1. Yes, One of the Girls is Bigger Than the Other
The human body has so many fun facts to share. The female body, though, is phenomenally impressive. Many women experience breasts of a different size. Actually, it goes so far as to affect half of all women. The reasons for it go back to the Greek Amazons. Because they had different breast sizes — oh wait, no, that’s not right. Oh, yes, it’s because of hormonal and genetic factors that different breast sizes occur. It is as normal as day, and as frequent as night.
2. Women Smell Better
This probably comes as no surprise. Women just smell nicer. Er, not nicer, but rather, have a keener sense of smell. Researchers found that women exposed to a smell for a month could retain a memory of the smell. Paired with heightened olfactory sensitivity, they were able to notice the smell even when reduced to one one-thousandth of the original concentration.
3. You Lose Less Blood than You Might Think
During menstruation, has it ever occurred that you wonder how much blood your body is freely giving away? Typically not, but for those wide-eyed curious weirdos like us, the question stands. As it would turn out, typically research has found that women lose around 2 to 3 tablespoons of blood during each cycle. For some, it may go as high as 4 tablespoons. So not quite a blood bath, but rather a humble blood bank.
4. Periods Can Confuse You
Have you ever felt a little pressed when trying to focus during menstruation? There’s some evidence to back that up. Few know this, but our brains really do get affected by the pain experienced during our monthly cycles. Researchers found that during the days where the pain was at its peak, attention-sensitive tests were more difficult to perform as well as on the days without peak pain.
5. Women Are Stripey
Yes, you heard that right! But, not stripey as you’d imagine it. While women are stripey, they typically are presented in tiger-like streaks across the body — at least not in any way the eye can perceive. Because women have two X chromosomes, one is deactivated randomly and periodically. The result is a mix of cells that carry different phenotypes not seen by the naked eye, leading to stripes called “Blaschko’s Lines.” Where can you see this happen? In calico cats, specifically.
6. Women Are Titans of Pain
Women can handle pain incredibly well. It should come as little surprise, though. Child-bearing aside, women have an incredibly high tolerance for pain. In one study, women and men received varying and identical series of pain. On average, men reported higher rates of pain, whereas women had not reported the same.
7. Women are Not Titans of Alcohol
Sadly, woe is the tale that many a woman be, ye, featherweights. The reason? Lowered ADH and ALDH enzymes. These enzymes metabolize alcohol, and they come in lower quantities within the female body. Tipsy-town arrives quickly, but that’s not a bad thing.
8. Menopause Hits Hardest Before it Starts
For many, the period of perimenopause is what hits harder than the actual main stage of menopause- think hot flashes, cold flashes, perimenopause nausea and more. That is to say, the brunt of menopause occurs before the main stage of menopause has even begun. By then, things tend to mellow out more. But how long does menopause last?
9. Menopause is Different for Everyone
The very idea of menopause is enough to have some jump in their own skin from fear. Often you might wonder: when will I experience menopause? More importantly, how long does menopause last? Well, like with most things, it depends. Each person is different. Some experience only a few years starting in their early to mid-forties, some can experience symptoms up to just over a decade.
10. Women See More Colors
This one isn’t a treasure-box legend, rather it’s a more common understanding that women can see a wider range of color than men, but it’s cool. Men tend to experience color-blindness more often, and women can tend to see finer discrepancies in color. The result? The wonderful technicolor coat of perception and appreciation.
There you have it! Ten absolutely cool and unexpected things about women’s bodies, all there for your reading enjoyment. Did this list help you discover something new about yourself (or the woman in your life) today?