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Last Updated on February 14, 2022

Your annual doctor’s appointment is extremely important. However, many people avoid going to the doctor, either because they’re afraid to or because they think they’re too busy to schedule an appointment. In 2018, 40% of Americans admitted to skipping a recommended test or treatment. By avoiding medical care, you put your health at risk. So, even if you don’t like going to the doctor, you should go once a year for your annual physical. Here are five reasons why.
Establish a Relationship With Your Doctor
Your doctor should be familiar with your health. They should know your unique situation and the ways in which you are working to handle it. The best doctor will even know about your life outside of your health. Things like your job and your living situation can have an impact on your wellness, and your doctor should be aware of that.However, if you don’t go to the doctor, you can’t establish that relationship. When you work with a doctor who you know and trust, it is easier to handle any problems that might arise. Meanwhile, a doctor you don’t know could be a perfectly good physician, but they don’t understand your case as well. Working with them might be slower, or they might miss something because they don’t know your life. By going to your appointment regularly, you can get to know your doctor and they can get to know you.
Find Your Health Baseline
If you don’t go to the doctor, you might not know how healthy you are. Since health is determined by a number of factors, it can be difficult to know where you are doing well and where you could make improvements. At your annual physical, your doctor will check you over for any problems. This will let both of you know where you stand. If you don’t go, you might only be able to fix some of your problems. Or you could try to change things that are perfectly healthy. By finding your baseline, you get a starting point.
Catch Problems Early
If anyone is going to be able to spot a problem with your body, it is your doctor. While you might be able to identify new lumps or strange bruising, your doctor will be able to tell you if it is normal or if it needs to be checked. If you don’t go to your annual doctor’s appointment, your doctor won’t be able to catch these things early. Things like cancer require an early diagnosis if you want the best chances of treating it. The American Cancer Society estimates that there are 3,000 new cases each year. If you want it or any other medical problem caught early, then you need to go to the doctor regularly.
Get Health Advice
Even if you don’t have any major problems with your health, there are always ways you could improve it. And if you do have some problems, your doctor can give you accurate information and tips on how to manage them. If you go to your annual visit, you can get that kind of information more regularly. If your doctor knows you and your health personally, they can also provide more customized advice that can help you even more.The doctor’s office isn’t just for sick people. Your annual visit is extremely important for keeping you healthy and eliminating problems as soon as possible. With a doctor who knows you, you can get the best possible treatment. Good physical health is essential to your overall well-being. So, take care of yourself by going to your annual doctor’s visit. It is more important than you think!