My Primal Baby’s First Baby Food

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Last Updated on December 8, 2023

One of the challenges for first-time parents is choosing baby food. As parents, we want our babies to grow healthy by providing them with nutrient-packed foods. We want them to develop healthy eating habits as they grow older. I know it’s pretty challenging, but we can do it. Let me share with you my experience regarding giving my little one healthy baby food.

One of the challenges for first-time parents is choosing baby food. As parents, we want our babies to grow healthy by providing them with nutrient-packed foods. We want them to develop healthy eating habits as they grow older. I know it’s pretty challenging, but we can do it. Let me share with you my experience regarding giving my little one healthy baby food.

When the Little hit 3 months, I started to notice he would have a lion’s focus on me enjoying my food.  Most doctors are going to tell you to wait until 6 months to introduce baby food but I should have realized that every child is unique and the Little would have been quite happy to nosh on what mama was eating at 4 months.  Anyhow, seeing how my husband and I don’t eat grains, the last thing I was going to do was start him on rice cereal. In addition to breastfeeding on demand, this is what I did.

When he turned 5 months, I started giving him soft-boiled egg yolks with a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt.  I did try Fermented Cod Liver Oil and he absolutely hated it and, well, vomited, after he had it.  I’m just warning you moms out there that this can happen.   Now at 9 months, I mix it in with his breakfast and he chomps it down with no problem.

One of the challenges for first-time parents is choosing baby food. As parents, we want our babies to grow healthy by providing them with nutrient-packed foods. We want them to develop healthy eating habits as they grow older. I know it’s pretty challenging, but we can do it. Let me share with you my experience regarding giving my little one healthy baby food.

I next moved him on to ripe bananas and cooked sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, and butternut squash.   I made his baby food so I add either homemade broth, a bit of fat (ghee or coconut oil),  a pinch of  Celtic sea salt or CLO to the mix depending on the meal.    His ND gave me a food list that suggested no meat or dairy until he was one.  I started giving him pinches of meat at 6 months and the boy loves it.  I recommend that with meat you throw it in the crock pot for the day with some bones as the meat is so much easier to digest for baby – and you too!  I also give him tiny amounts of yogurt (1 tbsp) now and then.   I’ve noticed with him too much dairy equals lots of gas pain.

Around 7 months, I  started feeding him what we were eating – spicy foods, fermented pickles, you name it  – so I didn’t have to make any special baby food ahead of time.   I still restrict dairy.   A book that I found helpful was “Real Food for Mother and Baby: The Fertility Diet, Eating for Two, and Baby’s First Foods”.

I’m lucky that I have a child that will eat whatever I’m eating.  He is a bottomless pit and will eat whatever I put in his mouth.  At 6 months he ate 4 oz per meal.   This leads to an upset tummy and lots of night waking so I’ve become more conscious of how much he’s eating.  He will fuss for a bit when I stop but no more than 5 minutes later he will become distracted by the dog or my husband.

’m just glad that helpful online resources are always available. Serenity Kids and other baby and parenting websites always save the day, from child-rearing and choosing baby food to baby clothes and travel must-haves. I couldn’t imagine myself as a parent in the old times without the internet. Technology helps me quickly access information and connect with healthcare professionals to discuss health and nutrition matters about my baby. For instance, I can simply message or call his ND for any problem using my smartphone.

His ND knows that we are grain-free but she recommended feeding him tiny bits of gluten to introduce him to it.   She didn’t feed her children any grain and now they are very sensitive to it.   I put my foot down on this until, yes, months into sleep deprivation, I broke down one night and gave him a little rice in the hopes it would make him sleep through the night.  I also gave him some soaked quinoa the following day and the only thing that happened was an upset belly and a break out on his face.  He never has had baby acne or  any other skin issues so I know it was in reaction to the grains.

Based on my experience, choosing a baby’s first food is pretty challenging. I’m very careful in selecting ingredients and types of food for my baby. I always research and consult experts first before trying a new one. At the end of the day, my ultimate goal is to see my little one enjoy his food and stay healthy.

8 thoughts on “My Primal Baby’s First Baby Food”

  1. That sounds awesome. I wish I had known about this when my babies were babies. We eat so much better now, but not as great then. Are you completely primal? What resources did you use?

    • I will admit that I do cheat and have corn every now and then and I do eat dairy – primarily raw milk but 95% of the time I’m on track. A book that I highly recommend is The Primal Blueprint. Also, the documentary Fat Head, if you haven’t seen it. The movie was funny and it made me not so type A about my diet.

  2. Cod Liver Oil? I didn’t know people were still using that. My aunt used to make us eat a spoonful every day to make us have better bowl movements. I HATED it 😉


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