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Last Updated on August 25, 2022
People often forget the importance of daily relaxation for physical and mental health. Getting rid of stress in various ways of relaxation is as important to our health as regular exercise, and it is a kind of food for the mind. Calming activities can give us energy and inspiration for tomorrow. Why wouldn’t you organize your time a little differently? Pamper yourself, feed your creativity, and soothe your soul. Have some fun while spending time with – you!
Exercise releases toxins and gives us energy
Make your training more fun and inspiring than ever before. Wear some useful hair accessories like sweatbands that will make you feel fierce. Find some fun workout routines on YouTube that will inspire you. Feel the negative energy leaving your body through sweat. Give your mind a break through body workouts.
We often feel tired, nervous, and unfocused just when we need our energy the most. All this can be related to the fast pace of life, but also the lack of physical activity. However, if you don’t have time for a complete workout, you can certainly take just a few minutes a day to do a few exercises that have been proven to have antistress effects. And the best part is – you can do them at home.
Light some scented candles
Looking at a burning candle has a calming effect. Get a candle in your favorite scent and actually use it! In the evening when the world is quieter, prepare yourself a nice hot beverage and enjoy your time in dim light. Make a bath and light your candle to help you relax. Fill your house with your favorite scent. It will maybe even help you meditate. Spending your evenings in dim light will help you unwind. You will go to bed on time, feeling more relaxed and sleepy than ever before. Using a candle during your activities will also limit your screen time.
Make a dream picnic
Go on an adventure! A picnic is a party that doesn’t require a large budget. We are used to picnics in parks, but have you ever had a picnic in your house, on the balcony or in the yard? This is the right time to make it! Why use an old worn blanket that has always been small and awkward when you can give your imagination a chance and plan a dream picnic. Be creative while choosing foods and drinks. If you are going alone then make your favorite food, find a spot near the sunlight, and bring a book that is dear to you. Forget where you are, because your world is now the blanket you are sitting on. Enjoy pampering yourself!
Find your ideal style
The furious trends have really become even more creative and imaginative. Whether it is about manicure, makeup or hairstyles, you can always find online something new, fascinating and irresistible. Some trends maybe even caught your eye and now may be the perfect time to try them out. Be creative and make them your own by putting in some unique twist or detail.
Write – poetry, short stories, biography, diary…
Writing frees us up, so write up all that is in your soul. Draft letters to someone you wanted to message, write a letter to yourself, or encourage all the people you love. Write poetry or prose, and read at the same time. Maybe there is some masterpiece that was in you for a long time and now it may be time to free it.
KonMari your home
Marie Kondo is a woman who loves tidying up, and she makes the whole world fall in love with it too. She wrote a book on a subject and she even got her Netflix show. If you want to declutter your space her KonMari method is the way to do it. Make your home a place in which mementos will have a special place, instead of keeping them at the bottom of some drawer or in some garage corner. Get rid of the things that are giving you nothing. Keep the ones that inspire you. Make space in your home for your thoughts, your creativity, imagination, and future.