The Exam Diet: The Healthiest Foods To Eat While Studying

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Last Updated on December 16, 2023

Good health directly influences a student’s ability to absorb information when reading. A generally healthy diet is essential for maximum brain performance but there have been some studies that show that there are certain foods that have more of an impact on brain activity than others. Eating a few blueberries or seeds can make a huge impact on your ability to retain information as you study. Read on as we highlight and discuss the best selection of food for studying. 

Good health directly influences a student’s ability to absorb information when reading. A generally healthy diet is essential for maximum brain performance but there have been some studies that show that there are certain foods that have more of an impact on brain activity than others. Eating a few blueberries or seeds can make a huge impact on your ability to retain information as you study. Read on as we highlight and discuss the best selection of food for studying. 

What Is The Link Between Healthy Eating And Brain Activity?

Healthy eating and excellent brain performance always go hand in hand and they cannot be separated. Your brain uses up more energy than any other organ in the body. A poor diet is one of the factors that lead to mental health problems spiraling out of control. Poor mental health also results in poor eating habits, so it becomes an unending cycle. A good diet that includes all the right nutrients in the right amounts will help to boost memory, protect the brain, and significantly slow down cognitive decline. It can even boost your mood. 

In addition to boosting brain activity, you can use Writix to either hire a writer for your essays or view free essay examples. This will give you that slight edge and make you stand out when you hand in your assignments or essay homework for school. 

Healthiest Foods To Eat While Studying

Now that we have established the link between healthy eating and a healthy brain, let’s talk about some of the best foods to eat when you are studying. 

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds have a high Omega-3 fatty acid content as well. This means that eating food like chia seeds and groundnuts has similar benefits to eating fatty fish like salmon. Sources include flax and chia seeds, groundnuts, almonds, and walnuts. 

Flax and chia seeds are also rich in Vitamin E and vitamin E is known to boost and regulate the brain’s ability to absorb and utilize a type of Omega-3 fatty acid called DHA. Vitamin E also has antioxidant properties and it protects your brain cells from sustaining damage related to oxidative stress that happens as a result of free radicals. 

You can also check out a few meal ideas that will help you to maintain a healthy diet as a student. 

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and these fatty acids are good for the brain and even other parts of your body. Omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduce the likelihood of you being a victim of brain disease. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential in building brain cells and nerve cells and they have a huge impact on your ability to learn and retain everything you read. 

Another notable advantage is that fatty acids also benefit you in the long run and not just now. Consuming naturally occurring Omega-3 fatty acids will also slow down any brain activity decline that is caused by age. Sources of Omega-3 fatty acids include wild salmon, trout, and sardines. 


Blueberries are highly rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. Antioxidants protect your brain from any damage caused by oxidative stress and flavonoids help to improve your memory and this is perfect for studying. Flavonoids also boost cognitive function and suppress any inflammation of the neurons. 


Avocados are also very rich in mono-saturated fatty acids. They can help you to improve your memory which means you can remember all those formulas a little better. Eating avocados can also help to improve your problem-solving skills and this comes in handy when you are a student. Avocados also come packed with Vitamin C, folate, and Vitamin E. 

Dark Chocolate 

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids and antioxidants. Flavonoids improve memory, which is important if you are a student. Antioxidants protect the brain from damage associated with oxidative stress and they boost overall brain functions. Dark chocolate is also known to be a mood booster and positive thoughts and a happier mood make for better studying. 

Final Word

A healthy brain is essential and this is more amplified with students who need to be studying and retaining information. Some foods boost brain activity, protect the brain from damage, and boost memory and retention of information. A poor diet results in poor mental health, so students must make sure that they eat a healthy and balanced diet for peak brain performance. 

There is a huge selection of healthy foods that students can pick from and these include blueberries, avocados, fish, nuts, and more. Highly nutritious foods in the correct amounts will not only boost brain activity and help students when they study, but they will also boost the health of other organs. 

Good health directly influences a student’s ability to absorb information when reading. A generally healthy diet is essential for maximum brain performance but there have been some studies that show that there are certain foods that have more of an impact on brain activity than others. Eating a few blueberries or seeds can make a huge impact on your ability to retain information as you study. Read on as we highlight and discuss the best selection of food for studying. 

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