Last Updated on January 27, 2024
If you want to cook better from home, then you’re definitely not alone. Most people want to cook well and save money by eating out less. You can cook food that is just as good, if not better, than the food you get at a restaurant. There are a lot of ways to do this, but it’s a comprehensive process that isn’t as simple as it sounds. However, cooking better at home can change your life. When you want to live better, eat better, and save money, here are some tips for you to cook better from home.
Start with a Recipe
When it comes to cooking, people are extreme about whether or not they use recipes. Your use of established recipes should be somewhere in the middle. You want to use them to learn new techniques, come up with new ideas for dishes, and learn how to build flavor, but you don’t need to follow every recipe exactly. The more skill you gain in the kitchen, the less you will have to worry about sticking exactly to recipes. Another thing you should do is use a notes app to write things down at home, at the store, or in the kitchen. Whether you’re a novice cook or an experienced chef, starting with a recipe helps but veering off can also lead to originally delicious food.
Cook What You Like
The reason that every cook has their own style is because they have their own unique tastes. You should cook the food that you like and use different techniques, ingredients, and cuisines to inspire the dishes. When you cook, it should come from your heart and soul. These days, a lot of people cook with their minds, but advanced techniques and knowledge of the science that makes cooking happen only get you so far. You also need to be inspired by what you are making. You should want to taste it at the end. If you don’t, it’s not likely that anyone else will, either.
Pay Attention to Ingredients
If one thing is true about cooking, it’s that you unfortunately can’t make bad ingredients good. While you can work with cheap ingredients, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are bad. Some of the best food in the world has come from lower-income circumstances. However, you can’t make bad quality ingredients taste good. Healthy and high-quality ingredients don’t need to be expensive. It’s more important for you to pay attention than it is to spend a lot of money. There is also the option to start your own garden. Growing your food ensures that you know where it came from, what was put into harvesting it, and what the ingredient’s strengths are.
Learn About Different Herbs and Spices
Some people say that cooking is a blank canvas and spices are the paint. With herbs and spices from around the world, you can cook any style of cuisine. You can go to Morocco, to France, to Thailand, and back home to the United States. Herbs and spices have been incredibly valuable for a reason. Learn about the world’s variety of ways to season our food and taste each individual spice and herb to expand your palate and discover new ways to use both familiar and foreign flavors.
It’s also worth being mindful about where you acquire your spices, rather than just grabbing whatever’s available at the local store. This is sensible not only if you’re interested in ensuring that the quality is top-notch, but also that ethical practices have been used in its production. For instance, the cayenne powder at Whole Food Earth is not only delicious when added to spruce up hummus, scrambled eggs, and all sorts of other dishes, but is also made with organic ingredients. This gives you that extra peace of mind that every mouthful you savor is a taste sensation without the hang-ups.
Practice Mise en Place
In French, mise en place essentially means having “everything in its place.” This is the standard of chefs around the world. You should have all the things you need available to you. This includes having the ingredients prepped, gathered, and timed out perfectly. You should have sharpened knives ready for you to use and any bowls or measure cups you need out. Give yourself the best chance to make an amazing meal.
Cooking well isn’t magic, but it has a sense of soul that you can’t learn. Knowing techniques, using good ingredients, understanding seasoning, and having everything you need ready to make good food is all necessary, but the best food comes from the heart. When you cook at home, not only can you make meals that are just as good as restaurants, it will be a lot cheaper, better for your body, and better for the world. It’s time to improve our cooking skills and with it every aspect of our lives.
Ryan Beitler is a writer who has covered food and travel extensively.