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Last Updated on December 8, 2023

Regardless of how old one is, sometimes joint pains occur. This is mostly so for people who are much aged. Our joints undergo incredible amounts of stress as we walk, work or exercise. Your joints support you as you move, as you work, and so on. Joints connect the bones, allow you to move, and support your weight. With all these responsibilities, the joints are likely to be painful once in a while. For people who are obese, joint pains are a likely result of the weight that they have to carry. As such, there are many risk factors to joint pains. The use of herbs easing joint pain has been on the increase as this is one of the best natural ways to deal with the pain.
In this article, we shall discuss some of the natural ways people can overcome joint pains naturally. Regardless of the kind of joint pain that one suffers, there are natural remedies that one can rely on to treat and manage the pain. We shall discuss these natural joint pain remedies in this article.
Here are tips to help you overcome joint pain naturally:
1. Ice therapy
Also known as cryotherapy, this is one of the natural ways you can manage and reduce joint pains without the need to use drugs. Cold temperatures are known to reduce blood flow; hence this reduces tissue swelling. When you experience pain for the first time, you should apply an icepack on the painful area every hour for 15 minutes. You should repeat the same procedure the next day, but 4 or 5 times for the same duration of 15 minutes. To avoid ice burns, wrap the ice on a towel or washcloth before placing it on the affected areas. Ice therapy is vital for reduced joint pain as long as it is done in the right manner.
2. Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy is defined as the use of water either externally or internally, at varying temperatures for curative and health purposes. Hydrotherapy includes cures such as the use of baths, saunas, colonic cleansing, contrast therapy, steam baths, foot baths for curative purposes. Warm water eases pressure on muscles and joints. As such, the use of water can be a good way to ease pain in the joints. You can also immerse the affected area in water and massage the area so that you can stimulate blood flow. This eases joint pains.
3. Massage
For those with joint pains in their knees and hips, a massage would be a good way to relieve the pain. A massage can be done at home or professionally by masseurs trained to do this. If you decide to massage the painful areas on your own, you can use a suitable menthol rub to help ease the pain. When massaging the body, always remember that it should be done in such a way that the strokes are directed towards the heart.
4. Use of herbs
Nature has always provided solutions for most medical problems, joints pains being one of the problems. There are many kinds of herbs that can either cure joint problems or help control the pain. Here are some of these herbs that can be used for this purpose:
Horse Chestnut
This herb is good for joint pains as well as other conditions such as varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and thrombophlebitis. The active ingredients in this herb can be used for pain relief. Once you have made a mixture, you can apply it to the affected area to relieve pain.
This is an herb that has a pleasant aroma and can be found in tea in most homes. The ingredients responsible for pain relief in chamomile are known as bisabolol. This is added in organic products such as soaps, toothpaste, and creams. Its essential oils and antibacterial active ingredients available in this herb are known to reduce pain. It can also deal with problems such as inflammation, soothing the stomach as well as joint pains.
This is a plant that has several healing benefits. It can be used to relieve pain and inflammation, regardless of whether the pain is caused by arthritis or any other cause. It has an element known as gingerol that is known to deal very well with inflammation. Several studies have been done and these recommend the use of ginger even for pains such as arthritis.
Linden tea can help reduce joint pains. It is said to suck out salt deposits out of the body. For pain relief, the traditional recipe can be used to make a suitable remedy for bathing. You can put linden in a pan together with its roots, leaves, and flowers and fill these with boiling water. Leave it on low heat for at least 30 minutes. Use it in the mornings and evenings to bathe your joints with.