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Last Updated on August 8, 2021

Taking care of your health is a multifaceted part of life, but one that we must take seriously. There are a lot of different ways you can care for your health, but at the end of the day, it comes down to these basic things: the right balance of exercise, food, and rest. Here are some suggestions for helping you find the right balance.
Exercise is probably the thing most people want to do the least. However, it’s one of the most important things you can do for your health. A healthy person should get at least thirty minutes of physical activity each day. If you aren’t doing that, this is an easy place to start going forward. Get up, get moving, and get some exercise in your day.
This can be done through simply getting more steps in each day, by going for a walk or run, practicing yoga, or doing different weight training exercises. Truthfully, there are even more ways than just that to get in exercise, but these are the most common. However, if these more common routines aren’t what you want, get creative with other ways you can exercise. Whatever it may be, getting up and moving is going to help you to live longer and be mobile longer. Almost 70% of Americans turning 65 will need long-term care at some point, but if you’re active throughout your life and exercise regularly, you will have an easier life as you get older.
Eating Right
Having a balanced diet is key to living a healthy life. It’s important to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients necessary from each food group every day. That said, there are things you can eat outside of your normal routine to get nutrients. For example, research suggests that maqui berries have the potential to combat conditions associated with inflammation, including heart disease, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and certain lung conditions. If you don’t typically eat maqui berries, this may be a good food to start introducing to your diet. Similarly, there are lots of vitamin supplements you can take daily to help reach a healthy balance of nutrients.
When it comes to getting rest, sometimes that means having less stressful daily environments rather than actually taking a nap. Though taking naps and making sure you get the right amount of sleep is crucial to living a healthy life, so is having less-stressful days consistently. One way you can do this is by adjusting your work routines.
For example, art in the workplace helps businesses address key challenges such as reducing stress (78% of people agree), increasing creativity (64% of people agreed, and encouraging expression of opinions (77% of people agreed). If you find yourself drained, sluggish, or down-right exhausted, it could be because your work life isn’t fulfilling you. Adding art to your workspace can help you feel better and work better. As a result, your days will be less draining and you can feel more energized throughout your day.
If you find yourself in a position where your health is at risk, consider doing more of these three simple tips: exercise, balance your diet, and get enough rest. Doing these things will help you perform your best and feel your best, allowing you to live longer and stronger.