Meal Plan #29: Paleo Ground Beef Recipes

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Last Updated on December 6, 2020


Recipes with Ground Beef

If you’re eating grass-fed meats, or have purchased a cow share, ground beef is the cheapest type of meat. We’ve got 20 lbs in our freezer and seriously I am sick of burgers, meatballs and meatloaf. I want variety! Here’s some tasty ground beef recipes that I found for this week’s paleo menu.

If you're eating grass-fed meats, or have purchased a cow share, ground beef is the cheapest type of meat. We've got 20 lbs in our freezer and seriously I am sick of burgers, meatballs and meatloaf. I want variety! Here's some tasty ground beef recipes that I found for this week's paleo menu.




Pizza Chili

Meal Plan: Paleo Dinner for Tuesday




Sweet Potato Enchiladas – it may be a little too hot to make this in your city but this looks amazing!

Menu Plan: Paleo Dinner for Wednesday




Mexican Meatza

Meal Plan: Paleo Dinner Recipe for Thursday




Sloppy Bobs

Meal Plan: Paleo Dinner Recipe for Friday




Beef, Bacon and Carmelized Onion Bites

Meal Plan: Paleo Dinner Recipe for Satuday




Peggy’s Italian Spinach Casserole – I miss italian food and Peggy has created a really tasty looking casserole.
Meal Plan: Paleo Dinner Recipe for Sunday



Beef Stirfry – yep, it’s made with ground beef.

18 thoughts on “Meal Plan #29: Paleo Ground Beef Recipes”

  1. We do a 1/2 steer every year, grass fed of course, so I have tons of ground beef. I’m always looking for good Gb recipes. Thanks!

  2. Why THANK YOU so much for including my recipe in your menu line-up this week! You and your readers will enjoy that dish if you decide to try it. It was so creamy and rich! It’s the best Italian dish I’ve come up with since I began my low-carbing journey to better health. Thanks so much for the mention on your front page!


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